The Maiden KingAirmail: The Letters of Robert Bly
and Tomas Transt

- Mark Gustafson, on Startribune online
- Review: "In their own words: Bly and Transtromer"

Talking into the Ear of a DonkeyTalking into the Ear of a Donkey

- Mark Gustafson, on Raintaxi online

My Sentence Was a Thousand Years of JoyMy Sentence Was a
Thousand Years of Joy

- John Calvin Rezmerski
(reprinted from Minneapolis StarTribune)

- Donna Seaman, Booklist

the winged energy of delightThe Winged Energy of Delight

- Ray Gonzalez in The Bloomsbury Review

the Insanity of EmpireThe Insanity of Empire: A Book of Poems Against the Iraq War.

- Richard Terrill from Mankato State University

- Norbert Blei, Free Verse #82, 2005

The Night Abraham Called To The Stars The Night Abraham Called To The Stars

- Pamela Miller for the Minneapolis Star Tribune

- James Naiden, for The Commercial Appeal, Memphis, TN

- Michael Ventura, for The Austin Chronicle

- Ian Tromp, for the The Nation

- Edward Hirsch, for The Washington Post

- Andy Brummer, for Poetry Flash

Morning PoemsMorning Poems

- Thomas Smith in Dragonsmoke

- Ian Tromp for the Times Literary Supplement

Selected Poems of GhalibThe Lightning Should have Fallen on Ghalib: Selected Poems of Ghalib

- San Jose Mercury News

Eating the Honey of WordsEating the Honey of Words

- Laura Rosenthal for the Minneapolis Star Tribune

- Ian Tromp for the PN Review

- Thomas R. Smith for the Great River Review